lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

14h June -Joan Salas and Levi

Today we went to Hasselö and walked a lot in the nature. First we went to Sladö with tractors where we played a typical game for Sweden called "Irish Cristmas". It was very fun. Then we ate food at a restuarant wich tasted good. We walked back to Hasselö where some of us took a swim. We went back to Västervik at 4 o´clock. In the evening at 8 o`clock we played football at Marieborgskolan. The Catalan team won, it was a good match. The day was very fun !

Hoy hemos ido a Hasselö y hemos caminado mucho en la zona.Primero nos han llevado en tractores a Sladö,y allí hemos jugado a un típico juego de Sweden,se llama "Navidad Irlandesa".
Hemos llegado a Västervik a las 4 y hemos ido a jugar un partido de futbol. Los catalanes han ganado.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Seguro que los catalanes soys muy buenos jugando al futbol,y en ingles, que tal vays?