jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

The end of our experience

Swedish students are at home and everything went ok!! :-)

We will never forget that experience.

Today we had been in the school with all the students. At first all the swedish people was meeting in the library and after that I had to go to the doctor to check my throat. When I was finished there I was meeting up with my friends in a café. When we had been in the café for a while the whole group were going to a Swedish pavilion. When we were finished there we had lunch for about 2 and a halv hour and then we were meeting up in the school again because we were going to film the liptub. That was really funny!
After that we had done the liptub we were going home and me and Maria was baking a chocolate-cake. It was funny and it tasted very good!
Now I'm going to bed, so good night!

Hoy hemos estado en la escuela con todos los alumnos. Al principio todo el pueblo sueco se reúne en la biblioteca y después de eso tuve que ir al médico para comprobar la garganta. Cuando terminé me reuní con mis amigos en un café. Luego nos reunimos todos los alumnos y fuimos al Pavellón de Suecia. A las 2 del mediodia comimos en la escuela (algunos alumnos) y a las 3 y media de la tarde nos reunimos todo el insituto para grabar un lipdub. Fué muy divertido!
A las 5.30 de la tarde, cuando acabamos el lipdub nos fuimos a casa y María y yo horneamos un pastel, fué muy divertido y sabía muy bien!
Y ahora me voy a la cama. Buenas noches!